Thursday, November 10, 2011

Fall Cleaning

   I am so weary - but it's a good weary.

I took a week's vacation from my job, specifically to do my fall housecleaning.

I don't do spring and fall cleaning the way my mother and grandmother and their mothers before them did. I do zone cleaning. I do not tear the whole house apart and live with disarray for a week or so whilst the cobwebs get swept out.

I learned zone cleaning from either Good Housekeeping or Women's Day magazine, back in the 1970s - when my stupid generation was all-about "Women's Lib."

I have always hated Women's Lib. It surely did not liberate me!  I, au contraire, was obviously born in the wrong generation. I love to keep house, raise children, cook scrumptious meals. I love this sort of vacation that I have taken this week: I get to pretend I am a full-time homemaker.

Most years, though, I do my spring and fall cleaning in the evenings, when my husband is at work, (since I work first shift and he works second).

I had an extra week of vacation to use up yet this year, and he cannot get the time off right now; so I set this week aside to bless myself by doing my fall cleaning in the daytime. I am loving every daylight moment of it!

I am so weary! But it is a good weary!

... And having the man home with me these mornings to see what his trophy wife does to keep his home so charming?: Priceless!

I have one more day off. Then the weekend. Then back to the trenches on Monday. Three more birthdays, and I will, Lord willing, be old enough to "retire." Then I can, at last, and forever, be what I have always wanted to be: a full-time "homemaker".  (Sorry, Libbers, but I have always hated you. You didn't liberate me. You made me conform to your definition of meaningful contribution. You are welcome to take my vacant position in the Rat Race when I retire. By the way - the Rats win. Just sayin'.)

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

This is for you, JD

   When young, impressionable, hopelessly floundering but so danged intelligent

Misfit, yet outstanding among my peers in the eyes of my elders

Wanting to fit, wanting to feel ...

Feeling guilty for my fortune

Unwilling to admit my misfortune

Searching (no: WAITING) for purpose for ME

I wasn't KNOCKED off-course

I didn't WANDER off-course

I jumped

Headlong into anything, anything, that was OTHER


Hardly a soul that could look at me knew

So intelligent, articulate, seemed so mature

(God knew)

JD - you will know you are mature and on-track

When you look in the mirror, and see the grown-up version

Of the person that you were when you were wee

And you do not hate that tyke

Or the people who loved him

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


I dusted upstairs and down tonight, and then the power went off for almost 3 hours. (A squirrel had done something at a substation a couple miles from here.) So I had instant coffee and bread with peanut butter for supper.


When I got my electricity back, I read a bunch of blogs, and even managed (after several attempts) to upload a new Multiply profile picture.


Then I figured out how to fix my notification settings over on Facebook. (They have been awry since the last Facebook "upgrade" a few weeks ago ...)

Then I screwed something up on Facebook and so sent my daughter-in-law a message asking for help on that.

Then I cleaned out my Yahoo inbox, which had gotten out of hand in the past 24 hours.

And now I have written a blog.