Monday, May 18, 2009

What I like about Facebook

My Multiply site is prettier: The background really is my house.  The photo really is my face.  I come and go as I well please, but I never do so in disguise.  Some people do.  On Multiply, I mean.  At first I was only mildly curious about that fact.  Eventually I found it offensive.

I have been enjoying Facebook.  Because I really do *know* the people I network with there.  They can't pretend to be somebody they aren't.

But most of them are not writers.  My Multiply friends are writers.  I suppose that's why some of them pretend.  They think they can write themselves into a better story or something.  Okay, so be it.  Just leave me out of your fiction, okay?

Rani Kaye is angry with Kira for not being herself.  (Apparently.)  For not waiting in her own skin for a better moment.  For manufacturing things and blowing things out of proportion, and creating Drama in my peaceable kingdom, I guess.

Well, I guess that's as far down the self-analysis trail as I'm going to go on this fair night.  It is nearly 1 AM.  And I am writing, or at least journaling again.  Maybe all I'll do is journal for a while.  I've got my blog set to private.  When I write myself back out into the public domain, I'll share what I choose to share.

I like my Multiply page very much though.  It most certainly is my very own home -- a home part of my life and my world.

I have not been blogging

And it's been longer than I realized.

There are other things to do, of course.  Because I just couldn't write.  I couldn't write for faceless souls who change their persona to fool the masses.  I'm a REAL person.

Whether I'm blogging in the presence of people I've not met in person,

Or talking on the phone with people I can't see in person,

Or just being the quiet girl nobody much notices at church ...

I am the SAME person wherever I go, and whatever I do.

And I am offended.

That some people change their IDs and their pictures and feign other personalities.  I don't want to play with people who pretend to be other than themselves.

That's all.

What happened is I was writing a story.  Just like I sometimes do.  When I wasn't watching my page, somebody I thought was a friend, though I had never met them IN PERSON, wrote comments on my story, apparently blasting another of my friends here.  Then deleted what they'd written, so that I would never know what had been said, but IM'd me to "apologize".

And I just went away.  I remembered that this person, when I first "met" them here on Multiply, had some other strange Multiply dramas they kept alluding to.  And I realized they were supplying their own drama, and that I just did not want to play.

So I went away.  I didn't even want to write at all. 

Well, maybe I'll come around and write again now.  I've been deleted from that person's friends list.  And this little explanatory blog is "personal" -- only for me.

So if I feel like blogging, I will blog.  And if some of my old friends come around, I'll "play" with them again.  I've just been doing other things, is all.

Let's see -- how shall I tag this?  Maybe "ethics".

P.S. Just read a blog by Kittigory, and the comment stream.  Eloquent concise answer such as I love by Flowerchild3. And then a few comments down I find that apparently Flowerchild3 is the latest incarnation of Kira.

What IS the deal with her?

If she'd use her real picture, and at least her real first name, and quit her confounded hiding, and whatever else it is she's up to with her nonsense ... Dang she writes well!